Konyhapont shopping mall stand

The kitchen revolution


Cooking is a great way to express ourselves - through spices and design as well! In recent times kitchenware design improves fastly, in this segment a visual revolution is going on. We analised the newest principles of kitchen design to develop the concept of Konyhapont shopping mall stand.

The kitchen revolution
Nothing can compete with self-made dishes - even if you only have twenty minutes to cook. In the midst of workday rush it often happens that you have no time and energy to make a three-course meal. For those who spend less time in the kitchen, essence of things used here completely redefined: besides professional capabilities, unique design of the equipment became more important.
The kitchen revolution
Changes had an effect also on marketing methods: by this time, instead of enhancing functional skills, impulsive presence is more relevant. Composition and details of "Kitchen spot" shopping mall stand were designed according to this principle.
The kitchen revolution
The impulsive stand sales products by impressing potential customers.
That's why we haven't designed show-cases - in this way, you can reach and browse products easily. For this reason the stand has a definite facade, that hides the casual functions behind itself. Energic colours and spotlights highlight goods and give the stand an attractive appearance.
The kitchen revolution
Nighttime locking is solved by a special portable wall designed by our engineers. This is a safe and light metal system that can be folded to its own container at opening hours.
The kitchen revolution
At Konyhapont shopping mall stand we created and finished a clean concept, so we could make an impulsive surface that does the sales talk itself. Thanks to the applied high-quality materials and graphics, the outcome is a prime shopping mall stand that has a really clear-out image.

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