Pingvin pharmacy shop design

Pharmacy renewal at its best


No doubt that our design specialists´ drugstore design has raised to an artistic level. Let´s have a look at their latest masterpiece which is the reconditioned Pingvin Pharmacy, straight from the city of Szeged!

Pharmacy renewal at its best
A significant action was waiting for us in Szeged: a huge drugstore - created from three single premises, and equipped with twelve cashier desks - would seem a special task already because of its size, but if we also add the overall design renewal - wow what a project, let's go!
Pharmacy renewal at its best
Here came the adventures: the interior was partitioned by wall and floor direction changes, and was full of big air condition tubes and massive furniture that ultimately created a crowdy feeling. We had to handle the situation and change it into a fascinating shop design: a challenge that fits us well!
Pharmacy renewal at its best
Initially, we smoothened the vertical surfaces by hollow walls for air supply, then we hide all the HVAC tubing behind a gently fluctuant optical ceiling. This way, we created an enlarged interior that we furnished with custom-designed, ventilating counters and a number of modular displays. At the end, we made enough space also for a well-shaped L'Oreal Derma Center!
Pharmacy renewal at its best
By these changes, we made an efficient shop design that is the all-new brand image in one piece -
because this appearance is a serious marketing weapon as well!
Purity, tidiness and a great many of design specialties: this is the renewed Pingvin Pharmacy!

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